England Athletics stipulates that all affiliated clubs should have a committee comprising representatives from the club fulfilling the following roles:
President or Chair/Head Coach: Chris Millard (email)
Club Secretary: Angela Kell (email)
Treasurer: Jen Williams (email)
Membership Secretary: Serena Segal (email)
Lead Welfare Officer: Carolyn Devereux (email)
DBS Verifiers: Carolyn Devereux, Chris Millard
The committee also includes representatives from the coaching teams as well as others helping out with essential roles in the administration of the club:
Nailsea Representative: Sam Allen (email)
Priory Representative: Susie Duncan (email)
Endurance Representatives: Steve Parsons, Russ Forsbrook (email)
Additional Welfare Officers: Jenny Coughlan, Chris Millard
Officials & Volunteer Co-ordinator: Cathryn Boylen (email)
EA Registrations: Claire Aston (email)
Sam Allen also handles all issues related to kit ordering.
A number of other volunteers support the committee, including:
Website Content: Rachel Mason (email)
There are many ways in which you can contribute from being a committee member, helping with the administration, assisting the coaching team during trainining sessions to officiating at league meetings.
Could you contribute to the running of the club?
If so, we’ve love to hear from you – drop us a line via our online contact form.